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2011-11-14 10:58:36     来源:游戏堡     编辑:yxbao     我要留言


Environment 环境
Skyrim  hosts very unique landscapes and dungeons. 天际省拥有独特的风景和地牢。
There  are 5 major cities: Solitude, Riften, Whiterun, Windhelm and Markarth.  (Windhelm being the largest.) 共有5个主要的城市:索里图德,瑞夫滕,瓦特朗,风盔,马卡斯,其中风盔市是最大的。
There  are 8 or 9 smaller towns. 另有8到9个小镇。
There  are more than 130 dungeons, ranging from 15 minutes to 2 hours long. 总计130多地牢,探险时间从15分钟到2小时不等。
There  are over 100 points of interest across Skyrim. (including Giant camps,  Necromancer lairs & Altars to different gods (Aedra and Daedra)) 全省有超过100处值得探索的地点,包括巨人营地,死灵巫师巢穴,不同神灵的祭坛。
The  areal is approximately the size of Oblivion's Cyrodiil, but the rugged  landscape makes the world bigger, as you will need to go over or around  mountains to get anywhere. 地区面积相当于塞瑞迪尔行省,但崎岖的地形让这个世界更大,因为你必须绕路或者攀爬。
Traps  and puzzles are used to make dungeons more interesting. 陷阱和谜题使得地牢更加有趣。
Fish  jumps out of the water, and when swimming, you can even catch fish. 鱼会跳出水面,当你在水中游泳时,你甚至可以抓鱼。
Birds  flies in the air above you. 鸟在天空飞翔。
Every  town has it's own Economic System. If you destroy a city's means of income,  they'll need to buy from another nearby city, and prices in the city will go  up or some products will not be available in that city at all. 每个城镇都有自己的经济系统,如果你摧毁了一个城市的收入来源,他们将必须从附近的城市购买物品,而此城的物价将飞涨,或者有些商品将无从购买。
Every  big settlement has it's own unique culture & architecture. 每个大的定居点都有其独特的文化和建筑。
Dwemer  ruins are scattered across Skyrim. 矮人遗迹遍布天际省。
High  Hrothgar has 7000 steps. 世界之喉的霍斯加高峰有7000级台阶。
Some  locations will have enemies that are too strong for you, and you will have to  come back when you are more powerful, while some places will have weaker  enemies. 有些地点的敌人对你来说太过强大,最好等你变得更强时再来,而有些地方的敌人就很弱。
You can  knock oil lamps to the ground or set fire to oil, which will then cause the  ground to burn, and deal fire damage. 你可以把油灯扔在地上,然后点燃灯油,这会使得地面燃烧,造成火焰伤害。
Butterflies  will fly around flowers which can be picked for alchemical purposes. 蝴蝶会在花丛边飞舞,他们也可以被抓来炼金。
The  major cities are in their own cells, so to enter, a loading screen will  appear. 主城被放置于独立的计算空间,所以进入时会有读取界面。(open  city这下没希望了)
There  are hidden caves, hidden ships and secrets in the water. 水下有隐藏的洞穴,船只和秘密。
The  higher you climb, the more severe the weather gets. 爬得越高,气候越恶劣。
There  are rivers inside dungeons. 地牢内也有河流。
Some  buildings can be destroyed, but are rare. 有些建筑可以被摧毁,但是很少。
After  picking flowers, they are removed visually from the plant 当花被采后,将从植株上消失。
Flora:  Nirnroots Nirnroots这种植物还有。
There  are 13 Guardian Stones scattered across Skyrim, which will temporarily boost  your skills. 有13块守护石遍布天际省,它们可以暂时提升你的技能。
The city  of Winterhold is party submerged and in ruins. 永冬城部分淹没了,余下的成为废墟。
Character 角色
There  is a soft level-cap at 50, but you can still level-up after this. (Highest  possible level is mathematically estimated to around 75) 顶级为50,但不是很严格,此后仍能升级,最高级别从数学上来估计大约等于75级。
There  are 3 attributes: Health, Magicka and Stamina - One of these can be increased  by 10 each level. 有三种属性,生命值,法力和精力,每一级你可选择三者中的一种增加10点。
Leveling  is faster than in previous games. 升级比前代快。
You can  Sprint, which drains your Stamina. 你可以猛冲,但会消耗精力。
Backwards  running speed has been reduced since Oblivion. 自从Oblivion开始,往后的速度就被调低了。
Sprinting  while wearing heavy armor drains Stamina faster. 当穿着重甲猛冲时,精力消耗更快。
Your  speed is governed by your stamina attribute and your equipment. Racial speed  is the same, so a khajiit will initially run at the same speed as an Orc. 速度由你的精力和你的装备控制。每个种族的速度都是一样的,所以虎人开始的时候跟兽人跑得一样快。
You can  become a Vampire. 你可以成为一个吸血鬼
Magicka  & Health now regens pretty fast out of combat, and slowly while in  combat. 法力和生命值在平时恢复得很快,但在战斗中恢复很慢。


Character  Generation 角色创建
In-depth  character customization that allows to change your character physique, give  them a beard, and other more detailed changes to your characters body. 深层次的定制化可以让你改变角色的体格,添加胡须,还有其他对你角色身体的细节调整。
There  are no Classes. 没有角色种类了,(魔法师,战斗法师,战士,等等。。)
There  are no Major/Minor Skills. 没有主次技能了。
There  are no Birth Signs. 没有出生星座了。
You can  apply face-paint to your character, and there is a myriad of different types. 可以在角色脸部绘制纹理,款式相当多。
There  are over 50 beards to apply to your character. 拥有50多种胡须。
There  are dozens of sliders for customization. 定制有很多的滑条。
Your  settings are remembered when switching between races. 当你定制好之后想切换种族,这些设定都会保留。


Races 种族
There  are 10 playable races: Imperial, Nord, Redguard, Dark Elf (Dunmer), High Elf  (Altmer), Wood Elf (Bosmer), Orc, Khajiit, Argonian and Breton. 10个种族:帝国人,诺德,红卫,黑精灵,高精灵,木精灵,兽人,虎人,亚龙人,布雷登人。
There  are also a few unplayable races. 还有一些不能被选择的种族。


Racial  Abilities 种族能力
Argonians 亚龙人
Histskin:  Significantly increases health regeneration speed. 一天一次,60秒内显著增加生命值恢复速度,10倍速度。
50%  resistance to diseases. 皮肤:50%对疾病的抵抗。
Breathe  underwater. 水下呼吸。
Breton 布雷登人
Magic  Resistance 25% 25%抵抗魔法。
Dragonskin:  Absorb 50% of the magicka from hostile spells for 60 seconds (once per day) 龙之技能:一天一次,60秒内吸收50%一个敌意法术的魔法。
Dunmer 黑精灵
Ancestor's  Wrath: Once per day, shroud self in fire for 60 seconds, causing nearby  enemies to take 8 points of fire damage per second. 先祖之怒:一天一次,60秒内在角色身边充满火焰,每秒对周围的敌人造成8点伤害。50%抵抗火焰。
Altmer 高精灵
Plus  50Magicka 先天+50法力值
Highborn:  Once per day, tenfold magicka regeneration for 60 seconds. 一天一次,60秒内魔法恢复速度更快,10倍速。
Imperial 帝国人
Increased  gold from containers 拾取战利品时收获更多金币。
Voice  of the Emperor: Once per day, calm nearby enemies for 60  seconds. 帝王之音:一天一次,60秒内使周边的敌人变得冷静。
Khajiit 虎人
Khajiit  claws do 15 points of damage 爪击(可以提高徒手攻击伤害15点)
Eye of  Night: Improved night vision for 60 seconds. 夜视,60秒
Nord 诺德
Resist  Frost 50% 50%抵御冰霜
Battlecry:  Once a day, cause target to flee for 30 seconds. 战吼:一天一次,使目标逃离战斗30秒。
Orc 兽人
Berserker:  Once a day, deal double damage while taking half damage for 60 seconds. 狂暴:一天一次,60秒内双倍伤害,自身承受伤害减半。
Redguard 红卫
Resist  Poison 50% 抵抗毒药50%
Adrenaline  Rush: Once per day, tenfold stamina regeneration for 60 seconds. 阿德瑞娜琳之疾:一天一次,60秒内精力恢复速度X10。
Bosmer 木精灵
Animal  Allies: Command an animal to fight for you. 动物之盟:一天一次,命令一只动物来为你战斗,持续60秒
Resist  poison and disease. 50%抵御毒药和疾病