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2011-11-14 10:58:36     来源:游戏堡     编辑:yxbao     我要留言


Way of  the Voice (Dragon Shouts) 声音的力量(龙吼)
"A  long practiced spiritual form of Nordic magic, also known as the Tongues,  that is based on their worship of the Wind as a personification of Kynareth.  Through the use of the Voice the power of a Nord can be formed into a thu'um,  or shout - which has a large variety of applications (anything from  sharpening blades to a long range weapon). Master Voices (known simply as  Tongues) have legendary, and often unbelievable powers, including talking to  people of hundreds of miles away or teleportation. The most powerful masters  must even be careful whenever they speak, as their voice can cause great  destruction and they are commonly gagged. During the Conquest of Morrowind,  the Nordic war chiefs were also Tongues (Derek the Tall, Jorg Helmborg, Hoag  Merkiller). They needed no typical siege weapons when attacking a city as  they merely used the Voice to break down the city gate and allow their armies  to storm in. The future of the Tongues was forever changed by the most  powerful Tongue, Jurgen Windcaller, also better known as the Calm. Jurgen  converted to a pacifist and refused to use the Voice for any martial  purposes. In a confrontation with 17 other tongues he reportedly swallowed  the Shouts of the 17 for three days until they lay exhausted, later to become  his followers. Today, all Tongues live secluded lives on the highest peaks of  Skyrim in tough conditions and contemplation, and have only spoken to  announce the destiny of the great Tiber Septim (who later created an Imperial  College of the Voice in Markarth, returning the Voice to the art of warfare).  Those known as Dovahkiin, Dragonborn, can use a type of magic known as  "Dragon Shouts." Dragon shouts are spoken in the Dragon Language,  and can manipulate dragons in a variety of unknown ways, as well as  performing other kinds of magic, also undocumented." 诺德魔法中需要长期训练的精神力量,也叫做龙语。这来源于诺德人对风女神凯娜瑞斯的崇拜。通过使用声音诺德人的力量可以形成一股吼声——具有很多种不同的应用(比如使刀刃锋利,可以攻击更远。——是剑气?)龙吼的力量传奇而难以置信,包括可以和几百里外的人对话或者传送。龙吼大师们交谈时必须非常谨慎,因为他们的声音可以导致毁灭,所以他们的嘴巴往往是紧闭的。在征服晨风省时,诺德人的领袖都是龙语者(Derek,  Jorg, Hoag)。进攻城市时他们不需要攻城武器,只需使用龙吼震开城门让他们的军队涌入。龙吼的未来被最强的龙语者杰庚·唤风者——也叫做镇静者,永远改变了。杰庚转变为一名和平主义者,拒绝将龙吼用于任何军事目的。据传,在一场对决中,他吞咽了17名对手的吼声三天三夜,直至对手力竭倒地,这些人后来成为了他的跟随者。现在,所有的龙语者都与世隔绝地居住在天际省的最高峰上,过着艰苦而专注的日子。只宣布过一次关于伟大的泰伯·塞普丁的命运(他后来在马卡斯创建了帝国龙语学院,把龙吼再次回归于军事艺术)。那些被人称为DOVAHKIIN,龙之后裔的人,可以运用一种叫做龙吼的魔法。龙吼是用龙语说出,可以用一些未知的方法操纵巨龙,也可以施放其他的一些未曾记录的法术。
You will  be able to use Dragon Shouts. 玩家可以使用龙吼。
There  are 20 different Shouts, each with three levels of power. 有20种不同的龙吼,每种都有三个等级。
You  first have to learn the word form an ancient rune, then you need to absorb  the soul of a dragon to be able to use it. 你必须先从一些古代的遗迹中学习龙的文字,然后必须吸收到龙的灵魂后才能施放。
One  shout lets you slow down time, another lets you move stealthily close to an  enemy in a mere instant and one shout will even let you summon a dragon! 其中一种可以令时间变慢,另一种可以让你几乎瞬间达到敌人的后背,甚至还有一种可以直接召唤一条巨龙!
Shouts  has a cooldown time. 龙吼有冷却时间。
Confirmed  Dragon Shouts 确认的龙吼
Fus Ro  Dah (Force Balance Push): Fus Ro Dah (力与平衡之推)
Force  wave that damages and pushes away enemies. 释放力量波伤害并且推开敌人
Liz Slen  Nus (Ice Flesh Statue): Liz Slen Nus (冰封血肉雕像)
Level 2:  Summons a wave of ice crystals. 等级2:召唤一波冰晶
Level 3:  Freezes and traps enemies in a block of ice. 等级3:将敌人冰封在一块冰中。
Strun  Bah Ao (Storm Lightning Wrath): Strun Bah Ao (雷暴之怒)
Summons  a lightning storm to damage nearby enemies with lightning. 召唤一次雷暴,用闪电打击周围的敌人。
Yol Toor  Krein (Fire Inferno Sun): Yol Toor Krein (地狱火炙阳)
Breath  fire upon enemies. 向敌人喷射出地狱怒火。
Tild Klo  Ui (Time Sand Eternity): Tild Klo Ui (永恒时间之沙)
Slows  down time around the player. 将玩家周围的时间变慢。
Lein ???  ??? (Whirlwind Sprint): Lein ? ? (旋风之疾)
Grants  the player the ability to spring at incredible speeds. 赋予玩家可以用难以置信的速度猛冲的能力
??? ???  Dovah (Summon Dragon): ?? ?? Dovah (召唤巨龙)
Summons  a dragon that aids the player. 召唤一条巨龙帮助玩家。
??? ???  ??? (Teleport): ?? ?? ?? (传送)
Teleports  the player behind the enemy. 将玩家传送到敌人后面。
??? ???  ??? (Elemental Fury): ?? ?? ??(元素之怒)
Shout at  your weapon and you can deal damage faster. 向你的武器怒吼,使你可以更快攻击。
Fin Zi  Gron (Fade, Spirit, Bind): Fin Zi Gron ( 淡出,精神,束缚)
Allows  you to become immune to damage for a short period of time, however, you will  be unable to fight. 让你在短时间内免疫伤害,但是无法攻击
AI, NPCs  & Creatures AI, NPCs & 生物
New,  updated Radiant AI: You won't find townspeople loitering aimlessly in town  squares anymore. Each NPC performs tasks that make sense in their  environment. To impart the towns and cities with a greater sense of life,  Bethesda has populated them with mills, farms, and mines that give the NPCs  believable tasks to occupy their day. The improved Radiant AI technology is  also more aware of how a citizen should react to your actions. As you perform  tasks for them or terrorize them by ransacking their home, the NPCs develop  feelings about you. If you're good friends with a particular NPC and barge  into his house during the middle of the night, he may offer you lodging  rather than demand you leave the premises. If you swing your weapon near an  NPC, knock items off their dinner table, or try to steal something of value,  they'll react with an appropriate level of hostility given their prior  relationship to you. If you drop an item on the ground near NPCs they will  react to that as well, such as a child might try to give you the sword back,  two men will fight over it or someone might even try to kill you with it if  they dislike you. When NPCs think they see or hear something, they go into an  alert state, instead of instantly attacking you. Players with a higher sneak  skill will have more time to duck back around the corner or find sanctuary in  the shadows. 焕然一新的Radiant  AI:镇上的哦居民不再漫无目的的闲逛。每个环境中的人都有相符的行为和任务。为了让城镇的居民更具有生活气息,Bethesda把他们放入工场,农场还有矿厂,让NPC可以在忙碌中度过每一天。改善的Radiant  AI技术可以决定市民如何对你的行为做出反应。当你为他们完成任务,或者因洗劫他们的家而恐吓到他们,NPCS对你的感觉会逐渐发展。如果你在NPC身边舞刀弄剑,或者把他们餐桌上的东西撞倒,或企图盗窃钱财,他们会根据以前跟你的关系作出适度的敌意反应。如果你把东西在他们附近乱丢,NPCS也会做出反应,比如小孩会尝试把剑捡起来然后还给你,俩个男人则可能为之争斗,如果有人不喜欢你他们可能会用这把剑来杀你。当NPCs认为他们看到或听到了什么,会进入警戒状态,而不是立即攻击你。具有更高潜行技能的玩家可以籍此躲到角落或者隐入黑暗。
When  you approach an NPC, they will engage in dialogue with you, while continuing  to do their task or making gestures or pacing around, depending on what their  personality is. 当你走向一个NPC,他们会和你谈话,但是会继续原来的活计,或者做一些姿势,或者走来走去,取决于他们的性格。
If you  kill a shop owner, their family member will inherit the shop and will be  angry about you, but still give you missions, which could then improve your  relation with them. 如果你杀死了一个店主,他们的家庭成员会继承这家店,对你生气,但是还会给你任务,以此你可以尝试改善和他们的关系。
Main-Quest  Givers are Essential. 主线任务的发布人是不死的。
You can  make friends by doing quests for people, thus making them act differently  towards you, and they might even join you on an adventure. 通过任务你可以交朋友,让他们对你的态度改变,他们也许会在一场冒险中加入你。
Male and  female characters will have some different animations, and beast races will  have unique animations. 男人和女人会有不同的动作,动物们也有各自不同的动作。
There  are NPC Children. 现在有NPC小孩了。
Even  minor NPCs have much more complexity and depth compared to Oblivion. 与Oblivion相比,NPCS的复杂度和深度都有极大提高。
You can  persuade various random NPCs to accompany you and they feel like fleshed out,  interesting companions. 你可以说服随机的NPC和你作伴,他们都形象饱满,兴趣盎然。
There  are bards in taverns, who plays tunes, and you can pay them to play another  tune. 旅店里有吟游诗人演奏曲子,你可以花钱让他们演奏其他的曲子。
You can  hire companions to join you in your adventures. 你可以花钱雇佣同伴来探险。
You can  have animal companions. 你可以拥有动物同伴。
M'aiq  the liar is back! 说谎者麦克回归了。
Creatures  & Mounts 生物和坐骑
Confirmed  creatures: Bats, Bears, Bees, Boars, Dogs, Dragons, Draughr, Dwemer Centurion  Spheres, Elks, Foxes, Frost Atronaches, Giants, Giant Spiders, Glow Worms,  Horkers, Horses, Ice Golems, Ice Wraiths, Luna Moths, Mammoths, Mud Crabs,  Rabbits, Saber-Toothed Cats, Salmon, Skeevers, Skeletons, Spiders, Spriggans,  Torch Bugs, Trolls, Vampires, Wolves, Zombies. 确认的生物:蝙蝠,熊,蜜蜂,野猪,狗,龙,Draughr,Dwenmer(矮人),Centurion  Spheres, 麋鹿,护理,冰晶巨人,巨人,巨蛛,Glow Worms,horkers(一种两栖生物),马,冰傀儡,冰灵,luna moths,  猛犸,螃蟹,兔子,猫,大马哈鱼,大老鼠,骷髅,蜘蛛,树精,火炬虫,巨魔,吸血鬼,狼人,僵尸。。。
Random  spawns are scaled (stronger enemies appear at higher levels), but weak  enemies aren't written out of the system, just become less common. 随机生成提升了,当等级更高时更强的敌人会出现,但是弱小的敌人没有从游戏内删除,只是变得稀少了。
A single  spawn at lower levels can have enemies spawning in pairs at higher levels. 低级时只有一只的生物刷新点可能在高级时刷新一对,或更多?
Stronger  enemies exist in the world at the start of the game, but you're usually given  enough warning if you don't want to fight anything too strong. 游戏开始时就有更强的敌人存在,但是你接近时会得到警报,如果你还不想这么早挂的话。。。
Giants  herds mammoths, and travels together in packs, ignoring the player if  undisturbed. 巨人放牧猛犸,通常结群旅行,如果不被打扰时会忽略玩家。
You can  mount horses, which are more detailed than ever before! 可以骑马,马的细节更加丰富了。
Some  insects can be killed. 有些昆虫也可以被杀死。
For more detailed information on dragons, check  out Cipher 8's "Dragons Info"! 更多的细节请参看Cipher 8的龙的信息!
Dragons  respawns just like other creatures. 龙也像其他生物一样是会刷新的。
There  are different kinds of Dragons. 龙的种类不同。
You can  not mount & fly dragons. 你不能骑着龙飞。
Some  Dragons are scripted, while others appear randomly. 有些龙是有剧情的,但是其他的是随机出现的。
Dragons  can pick people up from the ground. 巨龙可以把人从地面抓起。
When  dragons are critically injured, they can't fly, and will land or crash to the  ground. 当巨龙受到严重的伤害,他们不能再飞,会降落或坠落在地面。
Dragons  leaves scars and marks everywhere: when they crash or land on the ground and  when they breath fire upon the environment, etc. 巨龙到处留下痕迹:当降落或坠落地面,或者喷出龙息烧毁环境等等。