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2011-11-14 10:58:36     来源:游戏堡     编辑:yxbao     我要留言


Plot & Lore (UESP) 剧情和传说 (UESP)
TES V  takes place 2 Centuries (200 years) after Oblivion. The King of Skyrim is  dead, which has sparked a civil war. You are the last Dragonborn, a group  characterized by their ability to hunt dragons. You are a prisoner. The  Septim line was a prominent Dragonborn line protected by the Dragonguards  which eventually became the blades. After the death of the Septim line, the  Blades were hunted down and killed one by one and now are almost completely  gone. The return of the dragons was foretold in the Elder Scrolls and was  ushered in by the destruction of the Staff of Chaos, the creation of the  Numidium, the events at Red Mountain and the Oblivion Crisis. There is a  blade you come across, named Esbern (Voiced by Max Von Sydow.) that will  train and guide you through the game. The last event to unfold before the  dragons return was the people of Skyrim turning against each other which is  happening at the beginning of the game. Dragons start to appear in greater  and greater numbers as the game goes on and will eventually culminate with  Alduin possibly coming into the world. 5代发生于Oblivion之后的200年。天际省的国王死了,引发了一场内战。玩家是最后一个龙裔,一群据说可以猎杀巨龙的人。你是一个囚犯。塞普丁一支是最为著名的龙裔,他们被龙卫士保护,也就是后来的刀锋会。当塞普丁家族灭亡,刀锋会的成员被到处追杀,一个个的杀死,现在几乎彻底的消亡了。上古卷轴预言了巨龙的回归,归因于混乱之杖的摧毁,黄铜巨人Numidium的创造,红山的事迹和Oblivion的危机。你将会偶遇一位刀锋成员,叫做艾斯本(由马科斯·冯·西道配音),他将训练你,在整个游戏中指导你。在巨龙回归之前的最后一个事件就是天际省的人民互相内战——在游戏开始时发生。随着游戏的发展,巨龙越来越多,最终奥都因将降临到这个世界。


First  Century 第一世纪
4E 0 —  End of the Oblivion Crisis 4E 0---Oblivion危机解除
The  banishing of Mehrunes Dagon from Tamriel by the Champion of Cyrodiil, Martin  Septim, and the avatar of Akatosh ends the Oblivion Crisis. The Septim  bloodline ends and the Amulet of Kings is destroyed. The Third Era ends,  marking the beginning of the Fourth. 随着塞瑞迪尔的英雄马丁·塞普丁的牺牲以及龙神Akatosh的化身的出现,将Dagon从泰姆瑞尔驱逐出去,Oblivion的危机结束了。塞普丁的血脉也随之消亡,帝王坠饰也被摧毁。第三纪元结束了,第四纪元开始。
The  Fourth Era begins with no Emperor on the throne of Tamriel. High Chancellor  Ocato, the Elder Council, and the Blades try to maintain order. The provinces  start to take advantage of the Empire's weakened state. 第四纪元开始时,泰姆瑞尔没有皇帝。总理奥卡托、上古议会还有刀锋会试图维持秩序。但其他的行省开始在帝国式微之下谋取各自的利益。
4E ?? —  Red Mountain erupts; Vvardenfell is destroyed. 4E ?? ——红山喷发;瓦登菲尔被摧毁。
In  Vivec's absence, the Ministry of Truth becomes unstable. Vuhon creates an  Ingenium that uses at first dozens of dying souls, then a small number of  living ones to stabilize the rock. The soul of Sul's wife Ilzheven was among  them. In a fight to free her, the Ingenium is destroyed and the rock crashes  into Vivec with all the energy it originally had. The impact causes Red  Mountain to erupt and destroys the entire island of Vvardenfell, as well as  causing massive destruction to the rest of the province. 随着VIVEC神的消失,真理内阁变得不稳定。Vuhon创造了引极枢纽设备来维持漂浮,起先他用了一些将死之人的灵魂,后来开始用小部分活人的灵魂来维持巨石。包括萨尔妻子伊兹贺汶的灵魂。于是萨尔发动战斗以释放妻子的灵魂,引极枢纽设备被摧毁,巨石失去动力,坠毁于Vivec城。曾经获得的能量被全部引爆,引发了红山的大爆发,摧毁了整个瓦登菲尔岛,对其他的行省也造成了巨大的损毁。
4E ?? —  The Empire Collapses 4E ??——帝国的崩溃
Black  Marsh secedes from the Empire; it is soon followed by Elsweyr. 黑沼泽乘机宣布独立于帝国;埃尔斯维尔紧接着也独立了。
The  Thalmor seize control of the old Aldmeri Dominion (Valenwood and the  Summerset Isle). 萨尔墨人夺取了古老的阿尔德美瑞自治省(包括维兰森林和夏暮岛)
The  Argonians invade and conquer Morrowind after the eruption of Red Mountain. 当红山大爆发时,亚龙人入侵并且征服了晨风省。
4E ?? —  Titus Mede is crowned the new emperor by conquest. 4E ??——提图斯·米德被征服者拥立为新的皇帝。
4E 18 —  Prince Attrebus Mede is born. 4E 18——皇子艾特里布斯·米德出生。
4E 23 —  Annaïg Hoïnart is born. 4E 23——阿纳伊戈·霍伊纳特出生。
4E 40s —  The Infernal City 4E 40年代——地狱之城
Umbriel,  a floating city, appears on the coast of Black Marsh, heading toward  Morrowind. The city of Lilmoth, Black Marsh, the home of Annaïg, is destroyed  in the process. 昂布瑞尔,一座漂浮的城市,在黑沼泽的海岸线上出现,向着晨风省漂浮着。黑沼泽省内的里尔莫斯,阿纳伊戈的故乡,在此过程中被摧毁了。
Third  Century 第三世纪
4E 200s  — The High King of Skyrim dies. 4E 200s——天际省的国王死去。
4E 200s  — The Nords of Skyrim engage in a civil war. 4E 200s——天际省的诺德人陷入了内战。


Graphics,  Sound & Interface 图像,声音和操作界面
Graphics 图像
Havok  Behavior - Havok Behavior is a flexible animation tool that allows the  developers to rapidly prototype and preview new animations and blend them  together seamlessly with a few mouse clicks and minimal code support.  Bethesda is using it to create more nuance in character and creature  movement, govern special effects, and even to control how characters struggle  to move when trapped in environmental hazards like spider webs. Characters  now transition more realistically between walking, jogging and, running, and  the increased nuance between animations has allowed Bethesda to better  balance the combat in both first- and third-person perspective by adjusting  the timing values for swings and blocks depending on your perspective.  Perhaps the most impressive use of the Behavior technology is how Bethesda is  using it to create the dragon animations. Bethesda has worked meticulously to  make sure the beasts look powerful and menacing when banking, flapping their  wings, gaining altitude before making another strafing run, and breathing  fire on their hapless victims. None of the dragons' actions are scripted, and  Behavior helps make the movements look non-mechanical, even when the dragons  are speaking/shouting. Havok  Behavior——HB是一款灵活的动作工具,使用它使得开发人员能够迅捷的建立雏形和预览,并且只适用有限的鼠标点击和极少的代码就能实现将它们混合在一起进行无缝渲染。Bethesda正在使用它来创造角色之间的细微差别和生物的行动,控制特效,甚至来控制当角色被环境中的危险所困时——比如蛛网——如何挣扎。角色现在可以在更加真实的动作间变换,比如走路、慢跑和奔跑;而这种在动作中改善的细节使得Bethesda可以更佳地平衡第一人称和第三人称时的战斗方式,比如调整挥舞武器和格挡的时间值,取决于你的角度。也许最令人印象深刻的Behavior技术应用就是Bethesda如何创造巨龙的动作。他们一丝不苟的工作,确保这巨型生物在拍打地面或扇动翅膀时看起来强大,具有威胁性,拔起一定高度然后突然俯冲,对倒霉的目标喷出烈焰。没有一条巨龙的动作是用脚本完成的,Behavior工具让这些动作看起来不那么机械性,甚至当那些巨龙在说话和咆哮时。
Wind  will whip up the surface of bodies of water. 风会激起水浪。
Dynamic  Shadows. 动态阴影。
Snow  falls dynamically, painting the ground texture with snow. 雪动态地飘落,地面也会堆积起雪。(地面的材质也会渲染出雪)
Believable  water physics. 真实的水体物理性。
Faces  andmodels are improved. 脸部和模型都被改善了。
Draw  Distance is greatly increased, allowing for little to no grid pattern or low  resolution distant land. 远景渲染被极大的增强了,几乎不需要以前那种格子图案或低分辨率的远景。
SpeedTree  is not used: they've created their own platform that allows artists to build  whatever kind of trees they want and to dictate how they animate. Artists can  alter the weight of the branches to adjust how much they move in the wind,  which is an effective way of, for instance, actualizing the danger of  traversing steep mountain passes with howling winds violently shaking  branches. SpeedTree技术没有使用:Bethesda创造了自己的平台,来允许艺术家们随意地创造和布置树木,决定它们的动态。艺术家们可以调整树枝的高度来调整树木随风而动的程度。这非常有效,比如说,实现当你横贯陡峭山峰之间的小道时,咆哮的山风将使得树木狂摆。


Sound 声音
Jeremy  Soule is composing the music. Jeremy Soule杰瑞米·索勒继续操刀。
Voice  Actors: Max Von Sydow (Esbern), Brandon Ellison (General), Anthony De Longis  (Mercer Frey), Rob Locke (Commoner / Additional Voices), Lani Minella (Dark  Elf / Night Mother / Nocturne), Wes Johnson, Lynda Carter, Craig Sechler, Jim  Cummings, Gideon Emery, Michael Mack (Male Redguards), Jonathan Bryce (Male  Khajiit/Argonian), Reese C. Hartwig (Young Male), Christopher Plummer  (Arngeir), Joan Allen (Delphine), Lynda Carter (Gormlaith Golden-Hilt),  Michael Hogan (Imperial General Tullius), Vladimir Kulich (Ulfric  Stormcloak), Claudia Christian (Legate Rikke), Diane Louise Salinger, Renee  Victor, George Coe. 配音演员:马科斯·冯·西道(艾斯本),布兰登·埃里森(总的,或是将军),安东尼·德·隆奇斯(梅瑟·弗雷),罗伯·洛克(平民,旁白),兰妮·米妮拉(黑精灵/夜之母/夜曲),韦斯·约翰逊,琳达·卡特,克莱格·席勒,吉姆·卡明斯,吉迪恩·艾米瑞,  麦克·马克(男性红卫人),强纳森·布莱斯(男性虎人/亚龙人),琳达·卡特(格姆莱斯·黄金刀柄),麦克·霍根(帝国将军图里乌斯),拉迪米·库利奇(乌弗瑞克·风暴斗篷),克劳迪娅·克里斯缇娜(勒盖特·瑞克),戴安娜·露易丝,塞林格,瑞尼·维克多,乔治·库伊。
There  are about 70 Voice Actors. 总计70余配音演员。
Approximately  60.000 lines of voiced dialogue. 大约6万条配音对话。
Your  character will shout, laugh and make combat grunts. 你的角色将会大叫,大笑,战斗中咕哝。


In  first-person, the HUD comes and goes when needed. 第一人称时,HUD可以隐藏。
Third-person  have been improved (Even with Cross-hair now!). 第三人称界面被极大提升,现在有十字星。
When  opening the menu, instead of returning you to the last page you visited as it  did in Oblivion, you are now presented with a simple compass interface that  offers four options. (Right: Inventory | Left: Magical Items | Down: Map  & Quests | Up: Skills) 当打开菜单时,跟Oblivion回到上次打开的那页不同,现在提供一个简单的指南针式界面,提供四个选项。右:物品,  左:魔法物品 下:地图和任务,上:技能。
Instead  of relegating players to looking at an item's name and stat attributes, each  possession is a tangible three dimensional item with it's own unique  qualities. 不再让玩家在一堆数据和名称乱找,现在每样物品都有实际的3D展示,显示其不同的特性。
Mapping:  Anything from your spell library or item inventory can be  "bookmarked" to the favorites menu with the press of a button. How  many items appear on that menu is up to each player. 映射:所有你技能库和物品栏内的物品都可以被“书签”到最爱菜单,同时对应一个按键。而那个我的最爱菜单上可以放多少物品取决于玩家。
The map  is a zoomed out version of the game world. 地图就是把游戏世界的镜头拉远。
Quest  Markers can be turned off. 任务标记可以被关闭。
The  Health-, Stamina- and Magicka bars is hidden when full. 健康度,精力和魔法条在满值时将会被隐藏。
HUD  Opacity can be turned down to zero. HUD透明度可以调到0。