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国王的统治steam is not available解决方法

2015-06-26 14:04:03     来源:游戏堡     编辑:yxbao     我要留言

国王的统治不能玩怎么办呢?最近国王的统治有玩家反映玩游戏提示steam is not available,小编这就为大家带来了《国王的统治》steam is not available解决方法,帮助大家顺利游戏。

国王的统治steam is not available解决方法

国王的统治steam is not available解决方法

运行游戏以后提示 steam is not available(1) 百度搜来搜去没有找到,最后去国外网站搜索了一下终于解决了这个问题是因为没有安装vc++2010 64位,希望能够解决大家的问题,不要谢我,我是雷锋。



Had this same issue. Steam not available.

I opened the ports on my router for steam, no change.

Restarted computer

I verified cache, no change.

Restarted computer

Run Steam as admin, no change.

Checked Support Page and noticed it mentioned something about manually running secondary installers and saw somewhere on these forums that you need C++ 2010 Redist. It appears the installer for the game does not install all requirements.

I run Win8 x64 so downloaded C++ 2010 Redist from Microsoft

Installed - takes all of 30secs

Ran Reign of Kings and it runs fine now, I have restarted and closed and opened the game 5 times to make certain and its now happy. Hope this helps others with the same issue.

以上就是游戏堡小编为您带来的国王的统治steam is not available解决方法,希望大家能够喜欢!
